import uproot
print(f"uproot {uproot.__version__}")
uproot 5.2.2
Hans Dembinski, TU Dortmund
Build everything from basic components that fit together
Image credit: Toni Zaat on Unsplash
Python scientific stack
Other packages
Install everything with pip install LIBRARY
In terminal, create and enter virtual environment (you need Python-3.8 or later)
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install packages
python -m pip install --upgrade numba matplotlib uproot boost-histogram iminuit scipy particle numba_stats ipywidgets
Download this notebook from indico and example.root
, put latter into same folder
Run vscode
on the current folder, then open the notebook inside the editor OR
python -m pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --name "starterkit"
jupyter notebook lecture_1.ipynb
Then select starterkit
as kernel
name | typename | interpretation
trk_len | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
mc_trk_len | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
trk_imc | int32_t[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>i4'))
trk_px | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
trk_py | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
trk_pz | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
mc_trk_px | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
mc_trk_py | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
mc_trk_pz | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
mc_trk_pid | int32_t[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>i4'))
Tree contains fake simulated LHCb events
Reconstructed tracks in simulation, branches with trk_*
Truth in simulation, branches with mc_trk_*
Some branches are 2D (e.g. trk_px
Mathematical operators and slicing works on these arrays similar to Numpy
Many numpy functions work on awkward arrays
and an array mask to count how many events have zero tracksawkward
libraryExercise * Plot the branch trk_px
with matplotlib.pyplot.hist
* Can you figure out from the error message why it does not work? * Fix the issue with the function ak.flatten
[-inf, -2) 0 │ │
[ -2, -1.8) 1 │▏ │
[-1.8, -1.6) 3 │▎ │
[-1.6, -1.4) 17 │█▎ │
[-1.4, -1.2) 25 │█▊ │
[-1.2, -1) 78 │█████▌ │
[ -1, -0.8) 181 │████████████▉ │
[-0.8, -0.6) 308 │█████████████████████▊ │
[-0.6, -0.4) 453 │████████████████████████████████▏ │
[-0.4, -0.2) 647 │█████████████████████████████████████████████▉ │
[-0.2, 0) 819 │██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ │
[ 0, 0.2) 782 │███████████████████████████████████████████████████████▍ │
[ 0.2, 0.4) 629 │████████████████████████████████████████████▌ │
[ 0.4, 0.6) 480 │██████████████████████████████████ │
[ 0.6, 0.8) 323 │██████████████████████▉ │
[ 0.8, 1) 159 │███████████▎ │
[ 1, 1.2) 77 │█████▌ │
[ 1.2, 1.4) 37 │██▋ │
[ 1.4, 1.6) 7 │▌ │
[ 1.6, 1.8) 3 │▎ │
[ 1.8, 2) 3 │▎ │
[ 2, inf) 0 │ │
Typical analysis work flow (often automated with Snakemake)
Many specialized fitting tools for individual purposes, e.g.: scipy.optimize.curve_fit
Generic libraries
Fitting (“estimation” in statistics)
Dataset: samples \(\{ \vec x_i \}\)
Model: Probability density or probability mass function \(f(\vec x; \vec p)\) which depends on unknown parameters \(\vec p\)
Conjecture: maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) \(\hat{\vec p} = \text{argmax}_{\vec p} L(\vec p)\) is optimal, with \(L(\vec p) = \prod_i f(\vec x_i; \vec p)\)
Limiting case of maximum-likelihood fit: least-squares fit aka chi-square fit
# fast implementations of statistical distributions, API similar to scipy.stats
import numba_stats
from numba_stats import norm, truncexpon
def make_data(size, seed=0):
s = norm.rvs(mu, sigma, size=int(z * size), random_state=seed)
b = truncexpon.rvs(0, 1, 0, slope, size=int((1-z) * size), random_state=seed)
return np.append(s, b)
x1 = make_data(10_000)
plt.hist(x1, bins=100);
# model pdf
def model1(x, z, mu, sigma, slope):
s = norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma)
b = truncexpon.pdf(x, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, slope)
return (1 - z) * b + z * s
# we use NLL implementation provided by iminuit for convenience
from iminuit.cost import UnbinnedNLL
nll1 = UnbinnedNLL(x1, model1)
m = Minuit(nll1, z=0.5, mu=0.5, sigma=0.1, slope=1)
# need to set parameter limits or fit might fail
m.limits["z", "mu"] = (0, 1)
m.limits["sigma", "slope"] = (0, None)
Migrad | |
FCN = -4741 | Nfcn = 99 |
EDM = 2.03e-05 (Goal: 0.0002) | |
Valid Minimum | Below EDM threshold (goal x 10) |
No parameters at limit | Below call limit |
Hesse ok | Covariance accurate |
Name | Value | Hesse Error | Minos Error- | Minos Error+ | Limit- | Limit+ | Fixed | |
0 | z | 0.489 | 0.009 | 0 | 1 | |||
1 | mu | 0.4983 | 0.0020 | 0 | 1 | |||
2 | sigma | 0.0977 | 0.0019 | 0 | ||||
3 | slope | 0.505 | 0.016 | 0 |
z | mu | sigma | slope | |
z | 8.48e-05 | -2e-6 (-0.102) | 9e-6 (0.535) | -0.06e-3 (-0.395) |
mu | -2e-6 (-0.102) | 3.94e-06 | -0e-6 (-0.124) | -5e-6 (-0.153) |
sigma | 9e-6 (0.535) | -0e-6 (-0.124) | 3.7e-06 | -9e-6 (-0.280) |
slope | -0.06e-3 (-0.395) | -5e-6 (-0.153) | -9e-6 (-0.280) | 0.000268 |
to check how fit reacts to parameter changesMinuit.mncontour
Exercise * Draw the likelihood profile contour of parameters z
and sigma
with Minuit.draw_mncontour
* Compute matrix of likelihood profile contours with Minuit.draw_mnmatrix
Migrad | |
FCN = 94.55 (χ²/ndof = 1.0) | Nfcn = 192 |
EDM = 1.76e-07 (Goal: 0.0002) | |
Valid Minimum | Below EDM threshold (goal x 10) |
No parameters at limit | Below call limit |
Hesse ok | Covariance accurate |
Name | Value | Hesse Error | Minos Error- | Minos Error+ | Limit- | Limit+ | Fixed | |
0 | z | 501.0e-3 | 0.9e-3 | |||||
1 | mu | 500.3e-3 | 0.2e-3 | |||||
2 | sigma | 100.06e-3 | 0.20e-3 | |||||
3 | slope | 0.4982 | 0.0017 |
z | mu | sigma | slope | |
z | 8.91e-07 | -0.02e-6 (-0.103) | 0.10e-6 (0.557) | -0.7e-6 (-0.422) |
mu | -0.02e-6 (-0.103) | 4.03e-08 | -0 (-0.125) | -0.05e-6 (-0.155) |
sigma | 0.10e-6 (0.557) | -0 (-0.125) | 3.98e-08 | -0.10e-6 (-0.307) |
slope | -0.7e-6 (-0.422) | -0.05e-6 (-0.155) | -0.10e-6 (-0.307) | 2.72e-06 |
or ExtendedBinnedNLL
def make_data2(rng, nmc, truth, bins):
xe = np.linspace(0, 1, bins + 1)
b = np.diff(truncexpon.cdf(xe, 0, 1, 0, 1))
s = np.diff(norm.cdf(xe, 0.5, 0.05))
n = rng.poisson(b * truth[0]) + rng.poisson(s * truth[1])
t = np.array([rng.poisson(b * nmc), rng.poisson(s * nmc)])
return xe, n, t
rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
truth = 750, 250
xe, n, t = make_data2(rng, 200, truth, 15)
_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
ax[0].stairs(n, xe, color="k", label="data")
ax[1].stairs(t[0], xe, label="background")
ax[1].stairs(t[1], xe, label="signal")
Migrad | |
FCN = 8.352 (χ²/ndof = 0.6) | Nfcn = 132 |
EDM = 2.75e-07 (Goal: 0.0002) | |
Valid Minimum | Below EDM threshold (goal x 10) |
No parameters at limit | Below call limit |
Hesse ok | Covariance accurate |
Name | Value | Hesse Error | Minos Error- | Minos Error+ | Limit- | Limit+ | Fixed | |
0 | x0 | 770 | 70 | 0 | ||||
1 | x1 | 220 | 40 | 0 |
x0 | x1 | |
x0 | 4.3e+03 | -0.8e3 (-0.354) |
x1 | -0.8e3 (-0.354) | 1.32e+03 |
you can also fit a mix of template and parametric modelExercise
generate templates with 1 000 000 simulated pointsTemplate
cost function