LHCb Starter Kit 2023: Statistics II (extended version)

Hans Dembinski, TU Dortmund


What is an uncertainty, really?

  • Example: \(a = 3 \pm 0.5\), where 0.5 is the standard error (jargon: “error” = uncertainty).

  • What we would like it to mean: “The true value is between 2.5 and 3.5 with a probability of 68 %”.

  • What it technically means (in most cases): “The interval 2.5 to 3.5, if always constructed with the same procedure, contains the true value in 68 % of identically repeated random experiments.”

  • Both statements coincide only in the asymptotic limit of infinitely large samples.

Statistical and systematic uncertainties

Statistical uncertainty

  • Origin: We use finite sample instead of infinite distribution
  • Goes down as simple size increases
  • Example
    • Arithmetic mean: \(\bar x = \frac 1N\sum_i x_i\)
    • Variance of \(\bar x\): \(\hat V_{\bar x} = \frac{1}{N - 1} \frac 1 N\sum_i (x_i - \bar x)^2\)
  • We have reliable standard recipes to calculate these

Variance or standard deviation?

  • Standard deviation \(\sigma = \sqrt{V}\)
  • Variance is more fundamental
    • Second central moment of distribution
    • \(V = V_1 + V_2\), but \(\sigma = \sqrt{\sigma_1^2 + \sigma_2^2}\)
  • Communicate standard deviations, compute with variances

Systematic uncertainty

  • Origin: Imperfect appartus or technique, deviations of reality from simplified models
  • Quantifies potential mistakes in analysis
  • Does not go down as sample size increases
  • Often correlated
    • Real-life: Measured the length of ten shoes with ruler than has factory tolerance of 0.1 mm
    • LHCb: Measured cross-sections with value of luminosity that has uncertainty of 1-2%
  • Not well covered in statistics books, but some theoretical results available


  • Estimator maps dataset to value \(\{x_i \} \to \hat p\)

    • Notation: \(\hat p\) is estimate of true value \(p\)
    • Estimator can have functional form or be an algorithm
    • Arithmetic mean \(\hat \mu = \frac 1N \sum_i x_i\)
    • Sample median: Sort \(x_i\), pick value in the middle
  • Many kinds of estimators, some better than others

  • Optimal estimators

    • As close to true value as possible
    • Easy to compute and/or easy to apply to any problem
    • Robustness against outliers
  • In HEP, we mainly use

    • Plug-in estimator
    • Maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE)

Bias and variance

  • In one experiment, we obtain sample \(\{ x_i \}\) with size \(N\) and compute estimate \(\hat a\)
  • Sample \(\{ x_i \}\) is random, estimate \(\hat a\) also random
  • If experiment is identically repeated \(K\) times, we get sample \(\{ x_i \}_k\) and estimate \(\hat a_k\) each time
  • Derive accuracy of estimator from estimates \(\{ \hat a_1, \hat a_2, \dots, \hat a_K \}\)
    • Bias of \(\hat a\) = \(\frac1K \sum_i (\hat a_i - a)\)
    • Variance of \(\hat a\) = \(\frac1{K-1}\sum_i (\hat a_i - \frac 1 K \sum_k \hat a_k)^2\)
  • Example for a biased estimator: \(\hat V = \frac1N\sum_i (x_i - \hat\mu)^2\) is biased, if \(\hat \mu\) is estimated from same sample
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

mu = 1
sigma = 1

N = 10
K = 10000
var_1, var_2 = [], []
for k in range(K):
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=k)
    x_k = rng.normal(mu, sigma, size=N)
    v1 = np.var(x_k)
    v2 = np.mean((x_k - mu) ** 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 4))
ax[0].hist(var_1, bins=50, label="$\hat V_1$");
ax[1].hist(var_2, bins=50, label="$\hat V_2$");
for axi in ax:
    axi.axvline(sigma ** 2, color="C3", label="true V")
ax[0].axvline(np.mean(var_1), color="C1", ls="--", label="mean of $\hat V_1$")
ax[1].axvline(np.mean(var_2), color="C1", ls="--", label="mean of $\hat V_2$")
for axi in ax:

  • Well-known bias correction for this case: \[ \hat V_{1,\text{corr}} = \frac N{N-1}\hat V_1 \] For derivation see e.g. F. James book (references at end)

Exercise * Compute \(\hat V_{1, \text{corr}}\) and compare its mean with true \(V\)

# do exercise here
# solution

var_1_corr = np.multiply(var_1, N / (N - 1))

print(f"<hat V_1>            = {np.mean(var_1):.2f}")
print(f"<hat V_1(corrected)> = {np.mean(var_1_corr):.2f}")
print(f"truth                = {sigma**2:.2f}")
<hat V_1>            = 0.91
<hat V_1(corrected)> = 1.01
truth                = 1.00

Plug-in estimator

  • Plug-in principle: replace true values in some formula with estimates, e.g.

\[ c = g(a, b, \dots) \to \hat c = g(\hat a, \hat b, \dots) \]

  • Justification
    • For \(N\to \infty\), \(\Delta a = \hat a - a \to 0\) for any reasonable estimator
    • \(g(\hat a) = g(a + \Delta a) = g(a) + O(\Delta a) \to g(a)\) for smooth \(g\)
  • Example: \(\sqrt{N}\) uncertainty estimator for Poisson-distributed count \(N\)
    • \(P(N; \lambda) = e^{-\lambda} \lambda^N / N!\)
    • Variance of counts: \(V_N = \lambda\)
    • Estimator \(\hat \lambda = \frac 1 K \sum_k N_k\); for \(K = 1\), \(\hat \lambda = N\)
    • Plug-in principle: \(\hat V_N = \hat \lambda = N\)
    • Standard deviation: \(\hat \sigma_N = \sqrt{\hat V_N} = \sqrt{N}\)
  • Plug-in estimators can behave poorly in small samples
  • Poisson example: \(\lambda = 0.01\), sample \(N = 0 \to \hat \sigma_N = 0\)

Bootstrapping bias and variance of estimators

  • Bootstrap method: generic way to compute bias and variance of any estimator

Parametric bootstrap

  • Available:
    • Sample \(\{ x_i \}\) distributed along \(f(x; a)\), \(a\) is unknown
    • Estimator for \(\hat a\)
  • Want to know bias and variance of estimator
  • Simulate experiment \(K\) times
    • Draw samples \(\{ x_i \}_k\) of equal size from \(\hat f(x; \hat a)\) (plugin-estimate)
    • Compute \(\hat a_k\)
    • Bias \(\frac 1 K \sum_k (\hat a_k - \hat a)\)
    • Variance \(\frac 1 {K-1} \sum_k (\hat a_k - \frac 1K \sum_k \hat a_k)^2\)
from numba_stats import norm, truncexpon, poisson

def make_data(s, mu, sigma, b, slope, seed):
    sr = poisson.rvs(s, size=1, random_state=seed)[0]
    br = poisson.rvs(b, size=1, random_state=seed)[0]
    s = norm.rvs(mu, sigma, size=sr, random_state=seed)
    b = truncexpon.rvs(0, 1, 0, slope, size=br, random_state=seed)
    return np.append(s, b)

truth = {
    "s": 1000,
    "mu": 0.5,
    "sigma": 0.05,
    "b": 500,
    "slope": 1,
x = make_data(**truth, seed=0)

w, xe = plt.hist(x, bins=100)[:2];

from iminuit import Minuit
from iminuit.cost import ExtendedBinnedNLL
from numba_stats import norm, truncexpon

def model(x, s, mu, sigma, b, slope):
    return s * norm.cdf(x, mu, sigma) + b * truncexpon.cdf(x, 0, 1, 0, slope)

nll = ExtendedBinnedNLL(w, xe, model)
m = Minuit(nll, **truth)
m.limits["mu"] = (0, 1)
m.limits["s", "b", "sigma", "slope"] = (0, None)
FCN = 106.9 (χ²/ndof = 1.1) Nfcn = 101
EDM = 9.95e-07 (Goal: 0.0002)
Valid Minimum Below EDM threshold (goal x 10)
No parameters at limit Below call limit
Hesse ok Covariance accurate
Name Value Hesse Error Minos Error- Minos Error+ Limit- Limit+ Fixed
0 s 1000 35 0
1 mu 0.4983 0.0018 0 1
2 sigma 0.0482 0.0014 0
3 b 510 27 0
4 slope 0.95 0.15 0
s mu sigma b slope
s 1.2e+03 -48.4e-6 8.9237e-3 (0.177) -0.2e3 (-0.213) -0.368 (-0.073)
mu -48.4e-6 3.09e-06 -0 (-0.005) 61.5e-6 (0.001) -17.0e-6 (-0.066)
sigma 8.9237e-3 (0.177) -0 (-0.005) 2.12e-06 -8.9641e-3 (-0.231) -16.5e-6 (-0.078)
b -0.2e3 (-0.213) 61.5e-6 (0.001) -8.9641e-3 (-0.231) 711 0.354 (0.091)
slope -0.368 (-0.073) -17.0e-6 (-0.066) -16.5e-6 (-0.078) 0.354 (0.091) 0.0213
2024-02-12T18:09:38.188990 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.8.2, https://matplotlib.org/
  • Fit can be written as estimator
def estimator(x):
    w = np.histogram(x, bins=xe)[0]
    nll = ExtendedBinnedNLL(w, xe, model)
    m = Minuit(nll, **truth)
    m.limits["mu"] = (0, 1)
    m.limits["s", "b", "sigma", "slope"] = (0, None)
    assert m.valid
    return m.values
replicates = []
for seed in range(100):
    x_k = make_data(*m.values, seed=seed+1)
    p_k = estimator(x_k)

replicates = np.transpose(replicates)


  • Compute bias and standard deviation of replicates for each parameter
  • Compare standard deviation of replicates with Minuit’s uncertainty estimate, accessible via m.errors
# do exercise here
# solution

for i, name in enumerate(m.parameters):
    p = m.values[i]
    r = replicates[i]
    bias = np.mean(r - p)
    std = np.std(r, ddof=1)
    print(f"{name:8} 𝜎(Minuit) = {m.errors[i]:6.2g} 𝜎(bootstrap) = {std:6.2g} "
          f"bias/𝜎 = {bias / std:5.2f}")
s        𝜎(Minuit) =     35 𝜎(bootstrap) =     34 bias/𝜎 = -0.06
mu       𝜎(Minuit) = 0.0018 𝜎(bootstrap) = 0.0017 bias/𝜎 = -0.07
sigma    𝜎(Minuit) = 0.0015 𝜎(bootstrap) = 0.0016 bias/𝜎 = -0.03
b        𝜎(Minuit) =     27 𝜎(bootstrap) =     24 bias/𝜎 = -0.12
slope    𝜎(Minuit) =   0.15 𝜎(bootstrap) =   0.16 bias/𝜎 = -0.09

Nonparametric bootstrap

  • Can do the same by sampling directly from \(\{ x_i \}\)
  • Standard method for samples of fixed size \(N\):
    • Pick \(N\) random samples from \(\{ x_i \}\) with replacement to obtain \(\{ x_i \}_k\)
    • Compute \(\hat a_k\) from \(\{ x_i \}_k\) and proceed as before
  • “Extended method” for samples of variable size (Poisson):
    • Randomly draw \(M\) from Poisson distribution with \(\lambda = N\)
    • Pick \(M\) random samples from \(\{ x_i \}\) with replacement to obtain \(\{ x_i \}_k\)
  • Convenient: use same algorithms for any distribution
  • Efficient implementations for both algorithms in resample

import resample

from resample.bootstrap import resample

# generate replicated samples of varying size (Poisson distributed)
for x_k in resample(x, size=100, method="extended", random_state=1):
[0.58820262 0.58820262 0.52000786 ... 0.38532216 0.26892968 0.26892968]


  • Again compute replicated fit results using resampe and store results in a list
  • Copy previous code where possible
  • Again compute bias and standard deviation of replicates and compare with Minuit’s uncertainty estimate
# do exercise here
# solution

replicates = []
for x_k in resample(x, size=100, method="extended", random_state=1):

replicates = np.transpose(replicates)

for i, name in enumerate(m.parameters):
    p = m.values[i]
    r = replicates[i]
    bias = np.mean(r - p)
    std = np.std(r, ddof=1)
    print(f"{name:8} 𝜎(Minuit) = {m.errors[i]:6.2g} 𝜎(bootstrap) = {std:6.2g}"
          f" bias/𝜎 = {bias / std:5.2f}")
s        𝜎(Minuit) =     35 𝜎(bootstrap) =     33 bias/𝜎 = -0.18
mu       𝜎(Minuit) = 0.0018 𝜎(bootstrap) = 0.0017 bias/𝜎 =  0.10
sigma    𝜎(Minuit) = 0.0015 𝜎(bootstrap) = 0.0014 bias/𝜎 = -0.05
b        𝜎(Minuit) =     27 𝜎(bootstrap) =     27 bias/𝜎 = -0.04
slope    𝜎(Minuit) =   0.15 𝜎(bootstrap) =   0.17 bias/𝜎 =  0.18
  • resample provides shortcut for computing variance
from resample.bootstrap import variance

var = variance(estimator, x, method="extended", size=100, random_state=1)

for i, name in enumerate(m.parameters):
    std = var[i] ** 0.5
    print(f"{name:8} 𝜎(Minuit) = {m.errors[i]:6.2g} 𝜎(bootstrap) = {std:6.2g}")
s        𝜎(Minuit) =     35 𝜎(bootstrap) =     33
mu       𝜎(Minuit) = 0.0018 𝜎(bootstrap) = 0.0017
sigma    𝜎(Minuit) = 0.0015 𝜎(bootstrap) = 0.0014
b        𝜎(Minuit) =     27 𝜎(bootstrap) =     27
slope    𝜎(Minuit) =   0.15 𝜎(bootstrap) =   0.17


  • Repeat the variance calculation without using method="extended"
  • Compare the uncertainties of \(s\) and \(b\)
# do exercise here
# solution

var2 = variance(estimator, x, size=100, random_state=1)

# uncertainties of s and b are too small, if normal bootstrap is used,
# since size variation is not simulated
for i, name in enumerate(m.parameters):
    std = var[i] ** 0.5
    std2 = var2[i] ** 0.5
    print(f"{name:8} 𝜎(extended bootstrap) = {std:6.2g} "
          f"𝜎(normal bootstrap) = {std2:6.2g}")
s        𝜎(extended bootstrap) =     33 𝜎(normal bootstrap) =     24
mu       𝜎(extended bootstrap) = 0.0017 𝜎(normal bootstrap) = 0.0018
sigma    𝜎(extended bootstrap) = 0.0014 𝜎(normal bootstrap) = 0.0016
b        𝜎(extended bootstrap) =     27 𝜎(normal bootstrap) =     24
slope    𝜎(extended bootstrap) =   0.17 𝜎(normal bootstrap) =   0.17
  • Bootstrap can be applied to most statistical problems in HEP
  • Restriction: samples must be identically and independently distributed
  • May work well even with small samples (< 10)

Error propagation

  • Full analysis typically combines many intermediate results with uncertainties into final result
  • Consider \(\vec b = g(\vec a)\) with uncertainties in \(\vec a\)
  • Two ways of computing uncertainties of \(\vec b\)
    • Monte-Carlo simulation
    • Error propagation
  • Can be equally used for statistical and systematic uncertainties

Monte-Carlo simulation

  • Draw variations of fit result from multivariate normal distribution

  • Compute variable of interest from variations

  • Compute standard deviation or covariance of

  • Example: compute uncertainty of \(\hat N = \hat s + \hat b\)

rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
a_k = rng.multivariate_normal(m.values, m.covariance, size=1000)

def g(a):
    return a[0] + a[3]

b_k = np.apply_along_axis(g, -1, a_k)

print(f"𝜎(N, simulation) = {np.std(b_k):.3g}")
print(f"𝜎(N, naive)      = {(m.errors[0]**2 + m.errors[3]**2)**0.5:.3g}")
print(f"𝜎(N, expected)   = {np.sqrt(len(x)):.3g}")
𝜎(N, simulation) = 37.7
𝜎(N, naive)      = 43.7
𝜎(N, expected)   = 38.8
  • \(\sigma_{N,\text{simulation}}^2 < \sigma_s^2 + \sigma_b^2\), because \(s_k\) and \(b_k\) are anti-correlated

Error propagation

  • Given: \(\vec a\) with covariance matrix \(C_a\) and differentiable function \(\vec b = g(\vec a)\)

  • \(\vec b\) can have different dimensionality from \(\vec a\)

  • One can derive via first-order Taylor expansion: \[ C_b = J \, C_a \, J^T \text{ with } J_{ik} = \frac{\partial g_i}{\partial a_k} \]

  • Useful special cases

    • Sum of scaled independent random values \(c = \alpha a + \beta b\) (\(\alpha, \beta\) are constant) \[ \sigma^2_c = \alpha^2 \sigma^2_a + \beta^2 \sigma^2_b \]
    • Product of powers of independent random values \(c = a^\alpha \, b^\beta\) \[ \left(\frac{\sigma_c}{c}\right)^2 = \alpha^2 \left(\frac{\sigma_a}{a}\right)^2 + \beta^2 \left(\frac{\sigma_b}{b}\right)^2 \]
  • Final uncertainty often dominated by one term

  • When estimating systematic uncertainties: put your effort in estimating largest term and be lax on others

  • Computation of \(J\) by hand error-prone and tedious

  • jacobi library offers automatic error propagation based on a robust numerical derivative

import jacobi

b, cov_b = jacobi.propagate(g, m.values, m.covariance)

f"𝜎(N, error propagation) = {cov_b ** 0.5:.3g} 𝜎(N, expected) = {np.sqrt(len(x)):.3g}"
'𝜎(N, error propagation) = 38.9 𝜎(N, expected) = 38.8'
  • jacobi.propagate works for any differentiable mapping, which even includes most fits!
from iminuit.cost import LeastSquares

def h(pvec):
    rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
    a, b = pvec
    x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    y = rng.normal(a + b * x, 0.1)
    m = Minuit(LeastSquares(x, y, 0.1, lambda x, a, b: a + b * x), a=0, b=0)
    m.strategy = 0
    assert m.valid
    return m.values

jacobi.propagate(h, (1, 2), (1, 1))
(array([1.05143603, 1.99924264]),
 array([[1.00000000e+00, 1.44351198e-12],
        [1.44351198e-12, 1.00000000e+00]]))

Systematic uncertainties: Known unknowns

“There are known knowns, things we know that we know;
and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don’t know.
But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don’t know.”
Donald Rumsfeld

  • Why data analyses take so long: study data, detector, and methods to turn unknown unknowns into known knowns or known unknowns
  • known unknowns = systematic uncertainties
  • No formal way, but generally…

Worry * What could go wrong? * What are my assumptions?

Example * Efficiency or correction factor taken from simulation, but simulation differs from real experiment * Solution: perform control measurement to estimate how much simulation differs from real experiment

Methods * Use methods that are known to be optimal for your problem or derive them from first principles * General purpose methods often safer to use than special-case methods * Maximum-likelihood fit > least-squares fit * Bootstrap estimate of uncertainty > other uncertainty estimates

Apply checks * Validate whole analysis on simulated data (sometimes you can use toy simulation) * Split data by magnet polarity, fill, etc., analyze splits separately, check for agreement

Guidelines for handling systematic errors * Roger Barlow: Systematic Errors: Facts and Fictions (2002) * Roger Barlow, “Practical Statistics for Particle Physics” (2019), Section 6.5

Further resources for learning

LHCb Statistics and ML WG

Introductory statistics books

  • List of books on TWiki pages of Statistis and Machine Learning WG

  • Books I personally like a lot

    • Glen Cowan, “Statistical Data Analysis”, Oxford University Press, 1998
    • F. James, “Statistical Methods in Experimental Physics”, 2nd edition, World Scientific, 2006
    • R. Barlow, “Statistics: a Guide to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences”, Wiley, 1989
    • B. Efron, R.J. Tibshirani, “An Introduction to the Bootstrap”, CRC Press, 1994

Lectures, papers, notebooks