Non-prompt fraction of KS and Lambda particles from hyperon decays


August 31, 2023

A particle is prompt, if it does not have particles in its decay history with life-times larger than 30 ps. According to this definition, some Lambda particles are not prompt, since a fraction of Xi and Omega decays produce Lambda particles, and Xi and Omega particles have life-times larger than 30 ps. We compute the fraction of KS and Lambda particles that are non-prompt. For the KS, we do not find any, but for Lambdas the feed-down is quite large.

We select KS and Lambdas only if they decay into two pions or one pions and one protons, respectively, and if those daughter particles are in the LHCb acceptance 2 < η < 5 and \(p > 2\)GeV/c. Since the LHCb acceptance also implicitly places a cut on the position of the decay vertex of the KS or Lambda, we also record it.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import boost_histogram as bh
from tqdm import tqdm
from particle import literals as lp, Particle
import joblib  # only joblib works reliably in notebooks
import numpy as np

from chromo.kinematics import CenterOfMass, TeV, MeV, GeV
from chromo.constants import long_lived
import chromo.models as im
from chromo.util import pdg2name
import numba as nb
import gzip
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
# The event kinematics objects defines the collision and its frame.
ekin = CenterOfMass(
    2 * 6.8 * TeV,
pid_axis = bh.axis.IntCategory([x.pdgid for x in (lp.K_S_0, lp.Lambda, lp.Lambda_bar)])
parent_axis = bh.axis.IntCategory([], growth=True)
pt_axis = bh.axis.Variable([150, 500, 650, 800, 1000, 1200, 2500])
y_axis = bh.axis.Regular(5, 2, 4.5)
z_axis = bh.axis.Regular(100, 0, 2000)

models = [

log_10_n_events = 6

def select(pid, parents, eta, ptot, vz):
    keep = (310, 3122, -3122)

    keep_daughters = (211, 2212)
    with_accepted_daughters = {}
    decay_z = {}
    for i, pidi in enumerate(pid):
        if abs(pidi) not in keep_daughters:
        k = parents[i][0] - 1
        if pid[k] not in keep:
        if 2 < eta[i] < 5 and ptot[i] > 2 * GeV:
            if k not in with_accepted_daughters:
                with_accepted_daughters[k] = 1
                decay_z[k] = vz[i]
                with_accepted_daughters[k] += 1

    r = np.zeros_like(pid, dtype="bool")
    z = []
    for k, n in with_accepted_daughters.items():
        if n == 2:
            r[k] = True
    return r, np.array(z)

def pid_of_parent(parents, pids, status):
    r = np.zeros_like(pids)
    for i, pa in enumerate(parents):
        k = i
        # we expect that history is not deeper than 100 ancestors
        for _ in range(100):
            k = parents[k][0] - 1
            if k < 0 or status[k] == 4:
            pid = pids[k]
            if pid in long_lived and status[k] != 4:
                r[i] = pid
            # should never happen
            assert False
    return r

def run(Model):
    m = Model(ekin, seed=1)

    target = [lp.pi_0, lp.K_S_0, lp.Lambda]
    target_mass = [p.mass for p in target]
    # let long-lived particles decay which are heavier than the lightest target particle
    for pid in long_lived:
        mass = Particle.from_pdgid(pid).mass
        if any(mass > m for m in target_mass):
            m.set_stable(pid, False)
    # let target particles decay
    for p in target:
        m.set_stable(p.pdgid, False)

    h = bh.Histogram(y_axis, pt_axis, pid_axis, parent_axis, z_axis)

    n_events = int(10 ** log_10_n_events)
    with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
        for event in tqdm(m(n_events), total=n_events):
            mother_pid = pid_of_parent(event.parents,, event.status)
            mask, vz = select(, event.parents, event.eta, event.p_tot, event.vz)
            event = event[mask]
            mother_pid = mother_pid[mask]
            h.fill(event.y, / MeV,, mother_pid, vz)
    return m.label, h

fn = Path("feed_down_histograms.pkl.gz")
if not fn.exists():
    with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=10, batch_size=1) as pool:
        results = pool(run(m) for m in models)

    results = {label: h for (label, h) in results}

    with, "w") as f:
        pickle.dump(results, f)
    with as f:
        results = pickle.load(f)
#        EPOS LHC      K. WERNER, T. PIEROG                       #
#                      Contact:             #
#        WARNING: This is a special retuned version !!!           #
 |                                                  |
#     Do not publish results without contacting the authors.      #
 |                 S I B Y L L  2.3d                |
 |                                                  |
 |                        BY                        |
 |            Eun-Joo AHN, Felix RIEHN              |
 |      R. ENGEL, A. FEDYNITCH, R.S. FLETCHER,      |
 |       T.K. GAISSER, P. LIPARI, T. STANEV         |
 |                                                  |
 | Publication to be cited when using this program: |
 | Eun-Joo AHN et al., Phys.Rev. D80 (2009) 094003  |
 | F. RIEHN et al., hep-ph: 1912.03300              |
 | last modifications: F. Riehn (05/20/2020)        |

read from /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chromo/iamdata/epos/epos.iniev ...
read from /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chromo/iamdata/epos/epos.initl ...
read from /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chromo/iamdata/epos/epos.inirj.lhc ...
read from /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chromo/iamdata/epos/epos.inics.lhc ...
 Compute Cross-section (can take a while...)

 |                                                                                    | 
 |  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*  | 
 |  |                                                                              |  | 
 |  |                                                                              |  | 
 |  |   PPP   Y   Y  TTTTT  H   H  III    A      Welcome to the Lund Monte Carlo!  |  | 
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 |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 16 Nov 2022  |  | 
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 |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 05 Sep 2023 at 16:36:48    |  | 
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 |  |   Program documentation and an archive of historic versions is found on:     |  | 
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 |  |   PYTHIA is authored by a collaboration consisting of:                       |  | 
 |  |                                                                              |  | 
 |  |   Christian Bierlich, Nishita Desai, Leif Gellersen, Ilkka Helenius, Philip  |  | 
 |  |   Ilten, Leif Lonnblad, Stephen Mrenna, Stefan Prestel, Christian Preuss,    |  | 
 |  |   Torbjorn Sjostrand, Peter Skands, Marius Utheim and Rob Verheyen.          |  | 
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 |  |   Problems or bugs should be reported on email at        |  | 
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 |  |   The main program reference is C. Bierlich et al,                           |  | 
 |  |   'A comprehensive guide to the physics and usage of Pythia 8.3',            |  | 
 |  |   SciPost Phys. Codebases 8-r8.3 (2022) [arXiv:2203.11601 [hep-ph]]          |  | 
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 |  |   PYTHIA is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.|  | 
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 SIG_AIR_INI: initializing target: (i,A)           1           0 air..
seedj:         2     0.2378239512329647-313
 EPOS used with FUSION option
 SIG_AIR_INI: initializing target: (i,A)           2          14 nit..
 SIG_AIR_INI: initializing target: (i,A)           3          16 oxy..
 29%|██▉       | 288315/1000000 [03:02<06:51, 1730.64it/s]
mothers = set()
for model, h in results.items():
    for pid in h.axes[3]:

for model, h in results.items():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True)
    val = h.project(2, 3).values()
    for i, pid in enumerate(h.axes[2]):[i])
        v = np.zeros(len(mothers))
        for pid2 in mothers:
                k = h.axes[3].index(pid2)
                v[k] = val[i, k]
            except KeyError:
        y = np.arange(len(v))
        plt.barh(y, v)
        plt.yticks(y, [pdg2name(pid) if pid != 0 else "prompt" for pid in mothers])
        plt.xlim(0.5, None)

for model, h in results.items():
    val = h.project(2, 4).values()
    for i, pid in enumerate(h.axes[2]):
        plt.stairs(val[i], h.axes[4].edges, label=pdg2name(pid))

for model, h in results.items():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 4), 
                           sharex=True, sharey=True, layout="compressed")
    for i, pid in enumerate(h.axes[2]):[i])
        val = np.sum(h.values()[:, :, i, :, :], axis=-1)
        n_total = np.sum(val, axis=-1)
        n_prompt = val[..., h.axes[3].index(0)]
        feed_down_fraction = 1 - n_prompt / n_total
        feed_down_fraction *= 100 # make percent
        plt.pcolormesh(h.axes[0].edges, h.axes[1].edges, feed_down_fraction.T)
        for i, x in enumerate(h.axes[0].centers):
            for j, y in enumerate(h.axes[1].centers):
                f = feed_down_fraction[i, j]
                plt.text(x, y, f"{f:.0f}", color="w", ha="center", va="center")
        plt.clim(0, 100)
/var/folders/tl/pv6mt7z17tz0stm1fjfg01cc0000gn/T/ipykernel_31759/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  feed_down_fraction = 1 - n_prompt / n_total

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 4), 
                       sharex=True, sharey=True, layout="compressed")

for model, h in results.items():
    for i, pid in enumerate(h.axes[2]):[i])
        val = np.sum(h.values()[:, :, i, :], axis=(0, -1))
        n_total = np.sum(val, axis=-1)
        n_prompt = val[..., h.axes[3].index(0)]
        feed_down_fraction = 1 - n_prompt / n_total
        feed_down_fraction *= 100 # make percent
        plt.stairs(feed_down_fraction, h.axes[1].edges, label=model)[0])
plt.ylabel("non-prompt fraction in percent")
fig.supxlabel("$p_\mathrm{T}$ / MeV$c^{-1}$")

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 4), 
                       sharex=True, sharey=True, layout="compressed")

for model, h in results.items():
    for i, pid in enumerate(h.axes[2]):[i])
        val = np.sum(h.values()[:, :, i, :], axis=(1, -1))
        n_total = np.sum(val, axis=-1)
        n_prompt = val[..., h.axes[3].index(0)]
        feed_down_fraction = 1 - n_prompt / n_total
        feed_down_fraction *= 100 # make percent
        plt.stairs(feed_down_fraction, h.axes[0].edges, label=model)[0])
plt.ylabel("non-prompt fraction in percent")

# look feed-down fraction as function of z cut: 0 < z < 2m

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 4), 
                       sharex=True, sharey=True, layout="compressed")

for model, h in results.items():
    for i, pid in enumerate(h.axes[2]):[i])
        h2 = h[..., bh.rebin(10)]
        val = np.sum(h2.values()[:, :, i, :], axis=(0, 1))
        n_total = np.sum(val, axis=0)
        n_prompt = val[h2.axes[3].index(0)]
        feed_down_fraction = 1 - n_prompt / n_total
        feed_down_fraction *= 100 # make percent
        plt.stairs(feed_down_fraction, h2.axes[4].edges, label=model)[0])
plt.ylabel("non-prompt fraction in percent")
/var/folders/tl/pv6mt7z17tz0stm1fjfg01cc0000gn/T/ipykernel_31759/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  feed_down_fraction = 1 - n_prompt / n_total