Visual cross-section for particle production


March 31, 2023

When you look for a somewhat rare decay, you want to know how much luminosity is required to see N decays in your detector. For this one needs to compute the visual cross-section, this is the part of the production cross-section for the particle for which the decay products all fall into the acceptance of the detector.

We compute the visual cross-section here for the decay of Omega and Xi with chromo. We then go on and compute the expected rate of interactions for running LHCb in fixed-target mode.

Visual cross-section

We compute the inelastic cross-section for p-He collisions in fixed-target configuration where the proton has 13 TeV with chromo.

from chromo.models import Pythia8, EposLHC
from chromo.kinematics import FixedTarget, TeV, GeV
import numpy as np
from particle import literals as lp
from chromo.util import pdg2name
from rich.progress import track
kin = FixedTarget(13*TeV, "p", "p")

# epos = EposLHC(kin)
gen = Pythia8(kin, seed=1)
cs = gen.cross_section()

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 |  |                                                                              |  | 
 |  |   PPP   Y   Y  TTTTT  H   H  III    A      Welcome to the Lund Monte Carlo!  |  | 
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 |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 31 Mar 2023 at 15:19:42    |  | 
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 |  |   PYTHIA is authored by a collaboration consisting of:                       |  | 
 |  |                                                                              |  | 
 |  |   Christian Bierlich, Nishita Desai, Leif Gellersen, Ilkka Helenius, Philip  |  | 
 |  |   Ilten, Leif Lonnblad, Stephen Mrenna, Stefan Prestel, Christian Preuss,    |  | 
 |  |   Torbjorn Sjostrand, Peter Skands, Marius Utheim and Rob Verheyen.          |  | 
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 |  |   Problems or bugs should be reported on email at        |  | 
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 |  |   The main program reference is C. Bierlich et al,                           |  | 
 |  |   'A comprehensive guide to the physics and usage of Pythia 8.3',            |  | 
 |  |   SciPost Phys. Codebases 8-r8.3 (2022) [arXiv:2203.11601 [hep-ph]]          |  | 
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 |  |   PYTHIA is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.|  | 
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 |  |   Disclaimer: this program comes without any guarantees.                     |  | 
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 |  |   Copyright (C) 2022 Torbjorn Sjostrand                                      |  | 
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Now we compute which fraction of inelastic events produce the following decays so that all charged final state decay products are in the LHCb acceptance, given by \(p > 2\) GeV/c and \(2 < \eta < 5\). \[ \Xi^- \to \Lambda \pi^- \; (99.887\,\%) \] \[ \Omega^- \to \Lambda K^- \; (67.8\,\%) \] We don’t need to take special care of the branching fractions. We get these reduction factors automatically if we select the specific decay we are interested in from the generator output.

apid_xi = abs(lp.Xi_minus.pdgid)
apid_omega = abs(lp.Omega_minus.pdgid)
apid_lambda = abs(lp.Lambda.pdgid)
apid_pi = abs(lp.pi_plus.pdgid)
apid_proton = abs(lp.proton.pdgid)
apid_K = abs(lp.K_plus.pdgid)

gen.set_stable(apid_xi, False)
gen.set_stable(-apid_xi, False)
gen.set_stable(apid_omega, False)
gen.set_stable(-apid_omega, False)
gen.set_stable(apid_lambda, False)
gen.set_stable(-apid_lambda, False)
def is_visible_decay(ptot, eta, apid, children, par, apid1, apid2):
    ch = children[par]
    if len(ch) != 2:
        return False
    for i in ch:
        if apid[i] != apid1 and apid[i] != apid2:
            return False
        if apid[i] == apid_lambda:
            if not is_visible_decay(ptot, eta, apid, children, i, apid_proton, apid_pi):
                return False
        if ptot[i] < 2*GeV or eta[i] < 2 or eta[i] > 5:
            return False
    return True

n_inel = 100000
n_decays = {"Xi": 0, "Omega": 0}
for event in track(gen(n_inel), total=n_inel):
    apid = np.abs(
    mask_xi = apid == apid_xi
    mask_omega = apid == apid_omega

    if np.any(mask_xi | mask_omega):
        # collect children of each parent
        children = {}
        for i, par in enumerate(event.parents):
            if par[0] == 0:
            children.setdefault(par[0] - 1, []).append(i)

        ptot = event.p_tot
        eta = event.eta

        # investigate Xi decays
        for par in np.arange(len(mask_xi))[mask_xi]:
            if is_visible_decay(ptot, eta, apid, children, par, apid_lambda, apid_pi):
                n_decays["Xi"] += 1

        # investigate Omega decays
        for par in np.arange(len(mask_omega))[mask_omega]:
            if is_visible_decay(ptot, eta, apid, children, par, apid_lambda, apid_K):
                n_decays["Omega"] += 1

print(n_decays, "out of", n_inel)

{'Xi': 122, 'Omega': 3} out of 100000
sigma_vis = {k: v / n_inel * cs.inelastic for k, v in n_decays.items()}

print("visible cross-section")
for k, s in sigma_vis.items():
    print(f"{k:10} {s:.4f} mb")
visible cross-section
Xi         0.0495 mb
Omega      0.0012 mb

LHCb in fixed-target mode

LHCb in fixed-target mode uses a gas target. We compute the event rate for the SMOG 1 configuration where the gas is injected directly into the LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO).

The average number of interactions per bunch crossing is \[ \mu = \sigma L N p \frac{N_A}{22400} \] where \(L = 60\) cm is the length of the detection region in the VELO, \(N=10^{11}\) is the proton bunch population in Run 2, \(p\) is gas pressure in bar, and \(N_A\) is Avogadro’s constant.

m = 1
b = 1e-28 * m ** 2
mb = 1e-3 * b
cm = 1e-2 * m
Pa = 1
bar = 1e5 * Pa
K = 1
kb = 1.380649e-23  # Boltzmann constant in J/K
# cylinder volume in which a single proton would interact on average
cross_section = 200 * mb
detection_region_length = 60 * cm
volume = cross_section * detection_region_length

# number of collisions given by number of gas molecules per volume: 
# pV = N k T -> N = p V / k T
p = 1e-10 * bar
T = 273 * K
n_collisions_per_proton = volume * p / (kb * T)

n_protons_per_bunch = 1e11
n_collisions = n_protons_per_bunch * n_collisions_per_proton
#  Helium injection, 24/11/2022, target pressure on the VELO 1.2E-8mbar
p = 1.2e-8 * 1e-3